Nils Köster - Norsk
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Nils Köster

Nils Köster

Certified IP Laywer
Attorney at Law

About Nils Köster

Nils is a German attorney at law and Certified Specialized Lawyer for Industrial Property Law (Fachanwalt für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz) with more than 10 year experience in the field of intellectual property. Nils holds the degree of Dr. jur. (PhD).

Nils practice includes the legal, strategic and business aspects of intellectual property with a focus on litigating patents, designs and trademarks and negotiating and drafting of contracts relating to IP. Nils is advising both foreign and domestic clients within all industries.

Nils graduated from Kiel University in 1999 and spent his legal in-service training preceding the second state examination, among others, with the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and with an international law firm in Moscow, Russia. Before joining the Zacco Group in 2011 Nils worked for 6 years as an attorney at law in a Bremen based Intellectual Property Law firm.

Nils is a member of the German Federal Bar (BRAK), a member of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright Law (GRUR), and the German lawyers association.

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