Jens Herman Ruge - Norsk
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Jens Herman Ruge

Jens Herman Ruge

Attorney at Law

About Jens Herman Ruge

Jens Herman joined Zacco in 2013 as an Associate Lawyer. He works primarily with intellectual property rights, including trademarks, design, trade secrets, copyright, and patents. He works with prosecution and litigation, as well as IPR strategy work in general.

Jens Herman received his law degree (Cand. Jur.) from the University of Oslo in 2001. He has practiced within the IP field since then, both in public and private sector. Jens Herman has vast experience from NIPO (the Norwegian Industrial Property Office) for many years, including as Head of Designs, Head of International Trademarks and Senior Legal Advisor. Jens Herman is an experienced lecturer within the IP-field.

His client list spans a broad spectrum of industrial sectors, and covers large companies both in Norway and abroad.

Jens Herman is a member of the Norwegian Bar Association and Foreningen for norske IP-rådgivere (FONIP).

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